Become a Certified Craft Distiller

Learn more about distilling

The iStill University is our educational platform where we offer online and on-site courses about distilling. Since the start of our courses in 2015 we taught hundreds of students during the years.

The iStill University is considered the best education platform in the distilling industry. At this moment we offer two courses; the online ‘Craft Distiller Course’ and a on location ‘Master Distiller Course’.

9.7 out of 10

Our courses are rated by students with a 9,7 out of 10, and are considered the best courses in the industry.

Testimonial 2

Distilling is not a myth, it's a science!

Despite of the common belief, that distilling is a mystical process in the column which you can't explain, we know that the process of distilling is not a mystery; it’s based on science. And as distilling is a science, it has rules. The courses of the iStill University are based on these rules. By learning the rules you can control the process and by controlling the process you can make award winning spirits with great taste and excellent quality!

i-Still University educational platform

Craft Distiller Course

Our Certified Craft Distiller Course is an online course with 23 subject divided into 3 to 6 video’s each. This course explains the modern theories of the whole distilling process, including mashing, fermenting, distilling, extraction and aging. The course also describes the difference between traditional and modern still design and teaches the basics of tasting and recipe development. At the end of the Certified Craft Distiller Course you can take the online exam to receive your certification. Certified students also gain access to our private University Facebook Group, where you can exchange questions and ideas with over a hundred craft distillers worldwide.

Enroll for this course

Learn the craft through 23 subjects covered in 3 to 6 online videos per subject. Try 3 subjects for free!

  • Learn the craft through 23 subjects covered in 3 to 6 online videos per subject.
  • Access to 68+ videos covering 23 subjects regarding distilling.
  • Certified after passing an exam.
  • Access to our private University Facebook Group.

Course price








Enroll to the

Craft Distiller Course

Course price




  • Learn the craft through 23 subjects covered in 3 to 6 online videos per subject.
  • Access to 65+ videos covering 23 subjects regarding distilling.
  • Certified after passing an exam.
  • Access to our private University Facebook Group (after certification).

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On location

Master Distiller Course

About this course

  • 4 day course on location
  • Woerden, The Netherlands
Certification needed for the Master Distiller course

Since the Craft Distiller Course provides the theoretical basis for the Master Distiller Course applicants must complete the online course and exam first, before they are admitted to the Master Distiller course.

What you will learn

This course focuses on practical experience. The students develop their own recipes for different spirits (gin, vodka, whisky, liqueur) each day and then distill these spirits themselves using our 10L R&D machine, the iStill Mini. Our staff provides assistance during the distilling process and feedback at the end when we taste and compare the spirits distilled during the course. We also provide extensive training in taste profiles.

Current planned courses

24 - 27 March 2025

4 spots left

Course price


08 - 11 September 2025

7 spots left

Course price


None of these dates fit your agenda, or do you have more questions about our courses?

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4-day course progression

The first day

Global overview:

Recap: Theory of distillation
Practice: setting up the iStill Mini
Practice: Distilling wine into brandy
Recap: theory of fermentation
Sensory training overview

The second day

Global overview:

Feedback from day 1
Recap: Theory of extraction
Practice: Extraction on the Mini
Creating hard seltzers
Sensory training: part 1 fruits and grapes
Programming the iStill
Cleaning the iStill Mini
Practice: Distilling vodka on the Mini

The third day

Global overview:

Distillery visit extern
Feedback from day 2
Finishing run: vapour speeds
Sensory training part 2
Practice: Distilling gin on the iStill Mini
Sensory training part 3

The fourth day

Global overview:

Feedback from day 3
Sensory training part 4
Practice: Cleaning the iStill Mini
Practice: Distilling rum
Aging spirits
Evaluation of the spits made during the course
Food pairing theory

Enroll to the

Master Distiller Course

Course price


  • 4 days on-site practical course
  • Woerden, The Netherlands
  • Extensive training in taste profiles.
  • Participants must be certified Craft Distiller.

Select date

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Impression of the 4 day course


A few testimonials from previous students

Our courses are rated by students with a 9,7 out of 10, and are considered the best courses in the industry.

9.7 out of 10

Originally I thought this was going to be a very technical course on distilling. Although there was a technical component, it also included many non-technical aspects of the business of opening and running a distillery. That being said, the course was focused on production, just not exclusively on production. The keen focus on producing taste rich spirits through the utilization of the correct techniques and equipment was a common mantra throughout the course. Having the course taught on the production floor of a working distillery was amazing. Also the fact that you have a dozen classmates from various locations resulted in a collaboration of knowledge. Case studies were shared from almost every participant

Andrew Blanchard

Calgary, Canada

10 out of 10

This was a fantastic course, filled with wonderful people and important information. I would say to anyone in the distilling industry: “You have to take this course!”, weather you are opening a distillery, currently in business, or have been distilling for years … there is much to gain through the iStill distilling course

Tim Espinoza

Napa Valley distillery

10 out of 10

The iStill University course (and the excellent Consultancy from Odin) helped me to develop a few great recipes that won many medals in major international spirits competitions, right in the first half of the year...

Paul Hoogsteder

Meany Craft distillery

10 out of 10