Sloemotion is Distilling Responsibly with iStill!

20 March 2020
Message from the Sloemotion Distillery

Hi Odin,

This is Joff Curtoys, I'm the Founder of Sloemotion and brother of Julian who you met and trained, along with our Head of Production, Ian Mansell when we bought our iStills in 2018.

We're really delighted with the way our iStill works and we love talking about it in our brand story; I'm an ecologist and conservationist by trade and so the environmental performance of the iStill is very important to us and one of the reasons for our purchase.

We often comment to people when they come into our distillery, even when the iStill is on, that it's literally (& metaphorically!) cool; all other distilleries are hot. This is a first-hand demonstration of how iStill is minimizing energy usage and waste, and therefore minimizing our carbon footprint. We call it Responsible 21st Century Distilling with iStill.

I wondered if you had any information that we could use publicly about the overall environmental performance or perhaps how energy usage of an iStill compares with traditional stills. I'm pretty certain that unless you are using an iStill you can't really call yourself a "green" or eco-friendly distillery. It would be great to get some facts and figures to use to justify that.

If you want to call instead of emailing my number is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I hope you are all keeping well there and managing to cope with the impacts of the coronavirus.


Joff Curtoys, Founder, Director

Answer by Odin

Hi there Joff, good to hear from you! Yes, all are fine here. Business as usual, only more busy than ever. Thanks for reaching out and thank you for your very kind words. Very happy to see you so content. You strike an important point: the efficiency of the iStill translates into lower energy consumption and a "greener" form of distillation. More environmentally responsible and lower production costs. Usually it is one OR the other, but here it's one AND the other. Joff, please know we are working on an iStill Blog post where we dive in deeper and where we present some calculations on energy consumption, and compare the iStill 500 and 2000 to two more traditional stills. The results, I can reveal, are quite ... shocking. If not disturbing. More on this topic next week! Regards, Odin.

Sloemotion & iStills & Extractors: an amazing combination ...



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