Plans for tomorow

18 April 2013
So I wanted to do a run on a turbo. With purifier on. Just to see how she runs. But ... the turbo ain't ready yet. Turbo? Not what it used to be ... So what to do now? I plan on fractionating da sh*te out of a fourth generation sorta UJ. Only not based on corn. It is a wheat/rye hybrid. With the rye bit being Maillardized rye bread. Lots of taste. Maybe too much. I put part of it thru my old school CM fractionating rig. Gave me a hot tasting vodka. That darn rye bread just gives off too much taste! How to proceed from here? I can try to give the new rig a turn. And see if she can turn it into a vodka better than my old CM rig could. But how? By choosing the program with carbon filtration? Or by choosing the distillation program without filtering? Both will take heads & tails equally. But carbon filtering will/might have an effect. What do you want? Let me know, and the approach that gets most votes ... that's what I will do. [polldaddy poll=7047021]


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