Copper iStill Potstills!

04 February 2021

Proudly introducing ...

With copper particle contamination solved, we are proudly introducing a line of copper potstills, both semi-automated and fully automated. About 30% of craft distillers now buys stainless steel stills. Stainless steel iStills, mostly. That means 70% of the craft distillers does not have access to our innovations.

As a market leader devoted to empowering the whole craft distilling industry, well, here's us introducing copper iStill potstills to empower those that must (due to legislation) or want (due to previous investments) to keep on working with copper. And do you know what's really exciting about the introduction of copper iStill Potstills? We just took copper pot distilling out of the Dark Ages and back into the future via an amazing suite of innovations!

The iStill 2000 Copper Potstill:

Features and benefits ...

  • Square copper boiler for perfect mixing, on or off the grain distilling, and higher filling levels;
  • Wide boiler design for stable gas release, stable vapor speeds, and consistent flavor-composition;
  • Insulated copper column for stable vapor speeds and control over associated flavor profiles;
  • Integrated heating, so no need for additional steam boilers or piping;
  • Direct or indirect heating for fine power control;
  • Up to 25% more flavor due to the Maillard Reaction;
  • Boiler insulation for a more efficient and speedier distillation;
  • Cuts selector for automated heads, hearts, and tails cuts;
  • Automated cuts for improved distillation run reproducibility;
  • Air pressure sensor for automatically adapted, weather independent cuts and flavor consistency;
  • Automation and digital controls for a less staff dependent distillery and more accurate production;
  • Internet connectivity for support, remote control, and more;
  • Automated as well as manual programs for whisky, rum, and brandy runs;
  • iStill's Copper Particle Filter for a clean and healthy new make spirit;
  • All the copper you'll ever need for sulfur control!

The iStill 2000 Copper Potstill with iStill's Integrated Copper Particle Filter:

Sizes and starting prices ...

  • iStill 100 Copper Potstill EUR 20.000,- (semi-automated) or EUR 25.000,- (fully automated);
  • iStill 200 Copper Potstill EUR 30.000,- (semi-automated) or EUR 35.000,- (fully automated);
  • iStill 500 Copper Potstill EUR 45.000,- (semi-automated) or EUR 55.000,- (fully automated);
  • iStill 1000 Copper Potstill EUR 70.000,- (semi-automated) or EUR 80.000,- (fully automated);
  • iStill 2000 Copper Potstill EUR 100.000,- (semi-automated) or EUR 110.000,- (fully automated);
  • iStill 5000 Copper Potstill: EUR 155.000,- (semi-automated) or EUR 170.000,- (fully automated).

The iStill Copper Particle Filter costs EUR 5.000,-, and is strongly advised, since it helps mitigate copper particle contamination and its negative health effects.

Availability and ordering process

Due to huge demand for our stainless steel units, we'll only be able to build limited numbers of the iStill Copper Potstills. The year 2021 will see us construct one iStill 100, one 200, one 500, one 1000, one 2000, and one 5000 liter copper potstill.

We started producing the first two units as we speak. First deliveries are expected to take place in November 2021. If you are interested in the world's most advanced copper potstill, please reach out to our Management Assistant Esther Burns via for an introductory meeting and interview via video call.

Welcome to the family:


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