Testing pot still functionality II

30 April 2013
Blending the glasses So I did the blending. Not sure if I did a good job, this whiskey does need some ageing! Glasses 1 to 4: headsy Glasses 5 to 24: hearts Glasses 25 to 32: tails Correction on collection speed Had to correct some measurements. Glasses of 0.25 litres that aren't filled to the rim do not hold 0.25 litres, but less. Corrected, I ended up with 4 litres of 60% hearts and close to 3 litres of feints. Collection speeds also need to be recalculated, due to smaller collection cup size. The new average take-off rate in pot still mode is a bit over 4 litres per hour. That's Magic Flute territory, right? Well, in speed, not in ABV. On taste The output just tastes like a normal wheat / rye whiskey does, fresh from the still. Verdict The pot still function is increadibly fast and has a great heads compression functionallity. The iStill 50 in pot still mode will take a low abv wash to 60% in one go, what's exactly right for ageing on wood. Just as the whole still is concerned, the pot still function is pretty impressivel. One iStill can do it all. You don't need a seperate stripper or pot still, when you have this rig and functionality available. Allmost forgot ... Another warm welcome to all of you guys from Sweden. Over 20 of you visiting in one day? Wow, thanks!




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