Put your drinks on the iStill Bar!

28 June 2019

Proud of your product? Put it on the iStill Bar!

Many of you, who have visited iStill HQ in The Netherlands, have seen our bar at the University. We always get asked: “Are all those spirits made on an iStill?” And of course the answer is always a proud “Yes!”

We love entertaining our students and guests and open up the bar after a hard day of training.

So why not let potential colleagues and customers from all over the world taste your drink? Send us a bottle of your gin, whisk(e)y, rum, liqueur or whatever you are producing to iStill HQ in The Netherlands. We will give it a prominent place at the bar and tell everybody about it.

Is your drink already on the picture? Chances are we are running out of stock! So keep sharing!

For more info, please reach out to Sebastiaan@iStillmail.com.




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