New 50 Liter iStill Mini Boiler is Huge Success!

05 January 2023

We introduced the new 50 liter boiler to the iStill Mini in March. That's like only 40 weeks ago. In those 40 weeks we sold over fourty 50 liter boilers. It turns out that the additional 50 liter boiler is a huge success, as it helps distsillers in two ways:

  1. The longer runs, relative to the 10 liter standard iMini boiler, are a better simulation for the longer runs on bigger production iStills;
  2. The bigger boiler allows for small-batch initial production, which makes the iStill Mini in total a much more versatile set-up and purchase.

Given its success, we have decided to increase production batch-size. From the initial 3 boilers per batch, we are upgrading production to 15 boilers per batch.

Last 3 boiler batch was produced a week ago ...

And is already sold, assembled, tested, and readied for transport ...

Off you go, to the crater and then to the forwarder (iStill Mini + additional 50 liter boiler) ...

Want to start distilling? You'll need an iStill Mini for training and for recipe development. If you also want to do production run simulations and small-batch initial production, then please add the 50 liter boiler to your order, as all of the above customers did. More info on the iStill Mini? Please reach out to


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