Mashing and Beer Making with the iStill Extractor!

19 January 2018
Yes, we can mash with the iStill Extractor! Another addition to its already amazing versatility. How? Well, put your cracked grains in the Extractor, then heat-up the water in the boiler of (in this case) the iStill 2000. Next step? Put the pump on and start extracting and converting those starches and tastes from the Extractor to the boiler. When extraction is done, all (now converted) sugars are assembled in the boiler. Cool the wort, pitch the yeast, and start fermenting. Or ... boil the wort, add hops, crash cool, and then add the yeast. Right, you can use the iStill Extractor now for the production of distillers beer as well as consumers beer! Here's a short video of how it works. A video of us using a new pump to help us to further automate mashing / extracting procedures.

Mashing in the iStill Extractor ...

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