Distillers Meeting in Amsterdam!

29 September 2016
From Sunday till Tuesday we had a total of 13 distillers visiting iStill. Most made it to the Sunday Night Dinner. A special iStill menu that started with Odins Gin. Please see the pictures underneath ...


Monday, iStill Wizard Nick and I gave a workshop on the workings of the iStills. Hands-on, so we made rum at the same time. In the evening we trained the participants on cuts. Please see the pics underneath ...


At the end of the day, many took their iStills 100 NextGen with them, back to the UK, Sweden, and other places ...


It was a great few days. Tiring, inspiring, and so much fun to share a few days with like-minded people! Coming Monday the next group arrives!

To all the customers and attendants: thanks for coming over and spending time with us!

Regards, Odin.


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