Aspects of Distillation (2): Power Management!

02 April 2020
Introduction "Aspects of Distillation" is a new series the iStill Blog hosts. It aims to cover as many aspects as possible. Aspects of - you guessed it! - the distillation process. Think alcohol formation, flavors, mashing, distillery design ... and more. In fact, if you have a suggestion, please email us the aspect you want us to dive into. Via Today's topic? The importance of power management. Power Management The possibility to manage the power setting on your still is important, because it allows you to distill faster or slower. There are four more things I want you to consider, when investigating the role power management plays in the distillation process of taste-rich spirits like whiskey, rum, brandy, and gin:
  1. Higher power settings translate into more heads and tails being pushed into your hearts faction;
  2. Lower power settings translate into less heads and tails being pushed into your hearts faction;
  3. Power settings influence the flavor composition of the drinks you produce;
  4. And also have an influence on the size of the hearts cut: your yield.
Higher power settings result in more smearing, longer aging periods, and a lower total yield of new make spirit. Lower power settings result in less smearing, faster aging, and a higher total yield of new make spirit, at the low cost of the distillation run taking a bit longer. Since power settings have a huge impact on both yield and flavor composition, it is an important tool that any distiller should have on his or her still. Feature All iStills come standard with power management. Benefits All iStill customers have perfect control over their still's power setting. They can manage the power setting to 1% accuracy for total control over flavor composition and yield.

iStill's Power Management ...



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